No matter how funny or creative you try to present yourself out to be, if you're a hack, you're a hack.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

100,000 Will Die According To Basement Dwellers

The best part about most conspiracy theories is that they usually have some sort of date. For example, some nut awhile ago predicted the rapture, and we all know how that turned out. Which, in a way, connects to the topic today in terms of people dying.

 Now this youtuber has had a history of talking about bullshit like the "Illuminati" and the "New World Order", so why should we be suprised he's talking about their "plan".

He starts off showing pictures of the Twin Towers either partly destroyed, or about to be destoryed, somehow trying to connect the dots to show that 9/11 was a conspiracy... Ughh.... I suppose all the pictures in fiction that showed the White House or any famous building being destroyed are somehow leading up to those buildings being destroyed...... Pssh.

The rest of the video is cliche conspiracy shit I'd expect from Alex Jones to be talking about. It's not anything new and is getting old. He rambles about how there are "codes" in movies that members of the illuminati are planning, as we know, such a secret society is so smart, that they would give away their whole plan on a 1 dollar bill.

I'm also sure the Illuminati is such a smart group, that they'd allow videos revealing their plan to be public, because apparently a VERY rich group is so powerful that it could kill 100,000 people at the snap of a finger.... Can't remove a YouTube video? Very powerful indeed.

Yes, there have been insistence where people depicted stuff such as 7/7 before 7/7 but that can all be merged into a very special word called coincidence. Once again, how many examples has there been of a very popular structure such as the Eiffel Tower being destroyed? It's called Google Images bro. ;)

I love the ending on how this person says "if many people are aware of this, the Illuminati may cancel their plans, and many lives will be saved". So if it doesn't happen, he saved 100,000 people. And if it DOES happen, he predicted it and he was right..... It is really a win-win situation. He gets to feel proud of himself that he stopped the mass murders of thousands of people, and I get some good entertainment on a Friday night. Reminds me of another lunny

 The real conspiracy isn't something getting bombed, or if people are planning a mass genocide. The conspiracy is about the incompetent governments in the world, especially Britain and Russia. The conspiracy is why America spends more money than it has, leading up to an embarrassing debt number. The conspiracy is whether WW3 will actually happen. The conspiracy is if people will be able to put food on the table in a month or even day, with the recession taking a toll on everybody.

See 'yall August 12th, just to see what happens at the Olympics. Hehehe

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